You Should Consider, The Following Before Investing
Galleon Equity Investors, LLC (GEI) assets depend on the value of the properties and securities it owns. The value of the individual investments the company owns will go up and down depending on the general market, economic conditions, and investor confidence.
Market performance in real estate and securities tends to be cyclical and in the various cycles, certain investment styles may tend to fall in and out of favor. If the market is not favoring the quantitative style used by Galleon Equity Investors the company’s gains may not be as big as, or their losses may be bigger than, similar equity offers using different investment styles.
Since Galleon Equity Investors, LLC makes direct investments in real estate and securities your investment may be subject to the normal risks of the industry. These risks include changes in economic conditions, interest rates, property values, property tax increases, overbuilding and increased competition, environmental contamination, zoning, and natural disasters. Due to any of these factors, your investment may be affected by the value of GEI’s real estate and/ or securities.
Galleon Equity Investors’ past or projected results are no guarantee of future returns. Prices fluctuate, and purchased shares when redeemed may be worth more or less than their original cost. In other words, it is possible to lose money by investing in Galleon Equity Investors, LLC.
Although future real income is an objective of Galleon Equity Investors, LLC if the companies assets do not have a high dividend yield, then dividend yield will not be high.
The presented mutual funds are to be regarded as investment vehicles that the company has chosen to generate long-term capital appreciation. The assembled funds display outstanding long-term results, which are independent of future returns.
The discussed performance figures reflect changes in share prices and the reinvestment of dividends and capital gains. Any favorable (or unfavorable) description of the securities/hedging investment vehicles applies only as of the date of the reporting period. Asset allocation positions can and do change thereafter.
An Investment in Galleon Equity Investors, LLC is not a bank deposit and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC); or any other government agency.
Though the major facts of this offering can be found by reviewing the content of this website, this document is not complete in all details. This is a private offering, and the Securities and Exchange Commission has not approved or disapproved this offering, or determined if this document is accurate or complete. Anyone who tells you otherwise is committing a crime.
Shares of Galleon are offered and sold only to persons residing in the United States and are offered by Prospectus only. Please read the GEI Prospectus carefully before investing. The prospectus contains more detailed information on investment strategies, objectives, costs, and risks.
An investment in Galleon Equity Investors, LLC should be part of a larger financial plan, which includes analysis of financial needs, risk tolerance, values, and other factors. Galleon Equity Investors, LLC invites prospective investors to review this investment opportunity with a qualified financial advisor and or attorney.
This disclosure was last updated on Wednesday, May 12, 2021
Galleon Equity Investors, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
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